Use one of the linux pc-calva# machine (mezzanin or clean rooms) with an open session (user calvarun)
- open a terminal (right click on the desktop background or using the blue screen icon in the top menu)
- at prompt type : dataDisplay
- click on the « Input button »
online data
- select « Connect Online »
- select FbmTestDy then OK. If you are using a wifi connection and that you do not need fast signals it is preferable to use the 50 Hz data streams with Fbm50Users
- in the new window (wait a few seconds) select the channels you want to display and the type of the plots (time, FFT, ….)
- you can modify the parameters of the different plots by selecting them in the right column and click on the « Edit » button
- go back to the first window (Data_Display_v9r12p6) and click on the « Start » button
- you stop to update the plots by clicking on the « Stop » button
- you can now make zoom or others operations on the plots (right click on the plots or on the axis)
stored data
- select « Read FFL »
- change directory from /mnt/data/calvarun/ffl to /mnt/spsvirgo/calvarun/ffl
- choose between 50Hz.ffl, raw.ffl and trend.ffl depending on desired sampling : respectively 50 Hz, 20 kHz and 1 Hz averaging (mean-max-min) and click on « OK »
- in the new window (wait a few seconds) select the channels you want to display and the type of the plots (time, FFT, ….)
- you can modify the parameters of the different plots by selecting them in the right column and click on the « Edit » button
- go back to the first window (Data_Display_v9r12p6)
- you can modify the start time and run only on a given duration
- click and « Start
The storage disk has a capacity of ~1O days before overwriting..